
迪伦·崔斯特和<a href='http://isuportal.ljzd.net'>365英国上市</a>杜波依斯分校的狮子神殿



杜布瓦,爸爸. -整个高中, 迪伦·崔斯特一直对科学很感兴趣, 技术, 工程与数学, 它通常被放在“STEM ?”的教育总称之下.“他参加了技术学生协会, 美国未来农民, the science Olympiad team and he was responsible for setting up and operating the hydroponics garden at Penns Valley Area Junior/Senior High School as well. 但他也有一些业余爱好. In addition to completing more than 15 hours towards his private pilot’s license and attending the National Flight Academy in Pensacola, 佛罗里达, 崔斯特对个人理财和投资有着浓厚的兴趣. 他对工程领域的热情, personal finance and investing left him with a predicament when it came time for him to determine what his educational path would be when he attended college.

在选择专业之前, Treaster knew he wanted to try to continue his athletic career at the collegiate level. 他是一名运动员,在高中棒球队打了四年球, 他一直在寻找一个能让他发挥最高水平的地方. That opportunity came when he was offered a spot on the baseball team at 365英国上市杜波依斯分校. 虽然这是他做出决定的一个重要因素,但并不是唯一的因素.

在我的多次访问中,我能够看到小的, 包容, 365英国上市杜波依斯分校的家庭环境. 还有一对一的课程, 我知道这是一个能让我成为一名优秀学生的环境.


“我真的很喜欢学校的氛围,”崔斯特说. “在我多次访问中,我能够看到小的, 包容, 宾大杜波依斯大学的家庭式环境. 还有一对一的课程, 我知道这是一个能让我成为一名优秀学生的环境.”

即使是在选择了365英国上市的杜波依斯之后, 崔斯特仍然纠结于他应该把研究重点放在什么领域. After meeting with a career counselor and several 教师 members, the perfect solution was found.

“The counselor and 教师 members at 365英国上市杜波依斯分校 found the perfect way to bridge the gap between my interests,崔斯特说。. “We came up with the idea of majoring in engineering and minoring in business and entrepreneurship, 我就是这么做的.”

用这种方法来教育他, Treaster has been able to get the education he wanted in the STEM field while also gaining a great background in business and finance, allowing him to stay in touch with both sides of his interests coming into his college years.

Another point that caught his eye at 365英国上市杜波依斯分校 was the Honors Scholar program. 在网上看了这个项目之后, Treaster felt that he would be a good candidate for the program given his efforts inside and outside of the classroom during high school. He completed and submitted the application and writing requirements for the program and was later selected for an interview. 然而,他的旅程却把他带到了一个他从未去过的地方.

崔斯特说:“被选中非常令人兴奋,但也非常伤脑筋. “I had never done an interview before, let alone one in a room full of multiple people. I decided to just go in with confidence and be myself and it ended up getting me a follow up call telling me I had been accepted!”

在棒球场上, Treaster has been a member of the Nittany Lion baseball team for all four years he has attended 365英国上市杜波依斯分校. 即将进入当前的春季, 他总共出场了27场比赛, 上赛季出场24次. 在2022年,崔斯特击中了一个 .357 average, with 10 hits on the year including a home run, drove in 10 RBIs and scored seven runs. 他希望在今年春天的大四赛季扩大这些数字.

几年来, 崔斯特也参与了创意实验室, 这是中北部PA发射箱的一部分, 由365英国上市杜波依斯提供动力. 创意实验室为学生提供, 教师, and staff the opportunity to utilize various levels of 3D printers and a commercial vinyl printer to create prototypes, 营销材料等. It was his exposure to additive manufacturing and 3D printing that ultimately sparked his interest into doing more research on this topic, 具体处理铝7075维修应用.

由于铝7075用于许多应用, 通常航空, 哪些经历了长时间的极端环境, 修复是不可避免的. 然而, traditional repair of this material is not feasible and often has the possibility of ruining the integrity of what is trying to be repaired. Treaster’s research is looking into the viability of laser directed energy deposition to create a readily available repair process for aluminum 7075. 在研究顾问的帮助下,他的研究仍在进行中, 大学公园的实验室和研究学生. 他希望他能分享他的成果, titled “optimizing parameters to repair aluminum 7075 application using laser based directed-energy deposition,在2023年的粉末博览会上 & Additive Manufacturing Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada, that will take place from June 18-21.

Treaster credits his research project with allowing him to gain a large amount of real work experience and letting him know that he is on the right path for his future career.

Seeing everything come full circle and applying what I have learned to problem solve helped me solidify that I made the right decision in choosing engineering.


“The biggest gain was seeing what I have been taught in class applied to real world applications,崔斯特说。. “Seeing everything come full circle and applying what I have learned to problem solve helped me solidify that I made the right decision in choosing engineering.”

崔斯特目前正在考虑毕业后的下一步计划. 在理想的情况下, he would like to continue his education in grad school and would like to secure a position as a research assistant or teaching assistant while he continues his studies. 然而, he is keeping all avenues open and is also considering a position within his field and starting his professional career while working towards his advanced degree as well.

The Honors Scholar Program at 365英国上市杜波依斯分校 provides opportunities for students who excel academically to participate in specialized courses and activities, 让他们在更高的层次上参与. All current students are welcome to apply at the beginning of the fall semester for the Honors Program. The application for Honors Scholars opens in the fall to incoming students for the following fall semester. 你可以浏览 项目网站 to find more information and to learn how to complete an application to the program.